Winx Club Season 3 Episode 3 Download
Only torrent are available at the moment, so, xD
Click here to download(Yes, this link is version 2, because the first version don't have enough seed).
Please visit for the LATEST UPDATE of Winx Club Episodes Download!
New links added ^^
Hello, I've just uploaded Winx Club Season 3 Episode 2 in Rai English High Quality DVD Rip ^^ Please visit "
Winx Download" page for more info!
Its getting done :)
Hello guys! Our maintenance work is getting done :) Just need to create new buttons, blog for WinxClubCenter Releases. Btw uploading Winx Club Season 3 Episode 2 Rai English DVD Rip now ^^ So, stay tune!
PS: Maybe will do maintenance again sometime, because this HTML doesn't really have Disable Right Click.
Maintenance is 80% done :) Just need to put the HTML code to the other site ^^
If got time, will do some error maintenance again.
Hey ya! Tomorrow we'll be having maintenance, so see you soon :)
And of course, we'll be giving FREE NEW Winx Club Roxy Frutti Music Bar picture, and also, a FREE Winx Club Stella Believix Glitter GIF! So from the moment, stay tune!
Link to download Roxy is: to download Stella is:

Love and Berry Mini Envelops/ Red Packet 1
Hello, I've gotten this Mini Envelops/ Red Packet/ Hong Bao/ Ang Bao/ 红包 :D
Make sure to download it and print it, then cut it ^^
Be sure to use it for New Year, for Chinese, use it for Chinese New Year :)
(Although its Japanese, it can also be used for Mini Envelops)
Here is a preview:

Yay! Bought Love and Berry DS Game!
Hello! HYPER GOOD NEWS! I've just bought LnB DS Game yesterday! It cost S$69.90 for Non-Member & S$64.90 for Member, so my parent thought that joining Member only need S$10.70, so we joined xD I bought the DS Game from North Point, Store name is Zepy Games. And also, when you bought DS Game, you'll be entitled for a FREE LOVE AND BERRY STICKER!
Very less people will ever be previewing their Love and Berry DS, so I'll be the one to preview xD
(Clicking on it should give you full size)
DS Box Front:
DS Box Back:
DS Box Open
(where you gonna
open the box):
DS Box Left:
DS Box Right:
DS Cartridge:
FREE LnB Sticker Front:
Free LnB Sticker Back:
Bought Winx socks and Taiwan Love and Berry cards
Hello! Today I've went to Vivo City and just bought a pair of Winx socks :D
Its long, like Bloom wore in Season 2 & Season 3 (Default clothes) :D
Will post picture of the socks soon :D And also, I've also bought Taiwan Love and Berry Arcade cards ;D 2 Taiwan LnB cards & 2 English cards (version 4 & version 6) :D Each cost S$2, still worth it because I can chose whichever I want. Btw downloading AuditionSEA atm ^^ I guess tomorrow will do set up because today is kind of late and tomorrow I got school D: Not school reopening of course, but focus lesson. But, tomorrow will be MATH :D *PS: A fan of Math, also ♥ math :D*
Winx Club Comic Issue 40 for DOWNLOAD ^^
Since my printer scanner is back again, I'm going to scan my very own Winx comics collection ^_^
Download link: note that all pages had been watermarked to avoid THEFT who download my scanned comic, watermark their name/website and claim its theirs.
Here is a preview:

Forum undergoing maintenance
Hello, this Jacqueline from WinxClubCenter. Today, we'll be undergoing forum maintenance. Not sure when will end xD
Visit our forum:
Sailor Moon Stars R2 DVD
Here is some
screenshot of
Sailor Moon Stars R2 DVD quality.

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:
Screenshot 3:
Screenshot 4:
Screenshot 5:

To download R2 DVD Episodes quality,
please click here.I'll also be requesting for seeds, if you're pro at torrent, please download it!
Please at least seed 5 hours per day! If you need torrent cilent, check
µTorrent. Please help to do your part as I've already did!
New WCC Shugo Chara OP Release (Fansub)
Hello! Yesterday I've did this, making karaoke effect for Shugo Chara Opening 1 and subtitle. Done it with Aegisub & Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter. Please note that the opening may lose some quality due to converting too much times. I'm very happy to announce that finally I can make my own karaoke, and also, anime fansub :D Even though I haven't even sub Episode 1, but I've finished doing Opening 1 & Ending 1. Please note that each episode have different ending, as there is scence of preview of the selected episode. And, I also haven't upload the Ending, as its late now.
Please help seeding torrent
Hello, lately I've found this torrent and I would want you to seed it because download takes TOO SLOW. So, here is the link: can get free Sailor Moon Stars R2 DVD Remastered + Menu, but firstly, you MUST SEED. So, I'll leave it there!
Bought 10 Japanese DS cards (Love and Berry)
Hello! Today, I've gone to Vivo City, and bought 10 Japanese DS cards for Love and Berry, each only cost S$2! 3 Head, 1 Dress, 1 Foot & 5 Specials ;D Bought in Toy Outpost.
Adress for Vivo City's Toy Outpost:
• Vivo City
#02-27 (Near GV Cineplex)
Tel: 63768050 / 63768958
Hello! Today I've visited Singapore Orchard shopping mall (seldom of them); Plaza Singapura, Central Mall, 313 and Orchard Central. FOUND NEW INFO!!!! In Orchard Central, at Funz Centre, there got sell Love and berry DS game! But, it is out of stock now :( I've given them their contact number, so if got any Love and Berry DS game, maybe the staff there will contact me xD I do hope so... Visit for more info! And oh yea, Plaza Singapura, which has Toy Outpost! But sadly, LOVE AND BERRY DS GAME IS OUT OF STOCK TOO!!! I though that today I'll surely get love and berry ds game, but... T_T But never mind, because I had Tsubasa Volume 2 DS game for so cheap @.@
Bought Tsubasa Volume 2 DS Game
Hello guys! Sorry that I haven't post... :3
Btw, yesterday I've just bought Tsubasa Volume 2 DS Game, which cost only S$10, which was only USD$7! Its so CHEAP!!!!!!! Bought it in Century Square, Comics Connection (shop), only 1! The 1 that I bought, which was TSUBASA!!! Its VERY RARE for Japanese games to be import to Singapore, especially with CHEAP PRICE!
Here are some info about that shopping mall:
Name: Century Square Shopping Centre
Address: 2 Tampines Central 5 #05-20 S 529509
Tel: +65 6787 1810
Fax: +65 6787 1825
For comics connection outlets, please visit
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Please help Jacqueline by donating some money to create website!
YouTube account suspended & PC crash :(
Hello guys! Haven't seen you lately xD Well then, yesterday, my
youtube account is suspended D: But, luckily I have a backup account:
WinxClubCenter. From my previous subscribers, please subscribe me through my backup account!
And the worst disaster is, PC CRASH!!! I've just did System Recovery yesterday, all files is backup now :( My video files... My previous family pictures... T_T But luckily I got save abit in my hardisc (I don't know how to say and spell :P) just a disc to save my files inside... Like Winx Club png pictures... It took me so long to do 1 png!
And yea, yesterday is my father's birthday xD Just drawn a picture for him, I've drawn Chelsea's the champion with my own imagination anime boy >3 Then behind is "Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!" with a birthday cake :P You know, "Happy Birthday!!!" when he turn behind is just a surprise :PPP
Will not upload videos for a while
Sorry guys, maybe I will not upload videos for a while because of some problems.