Written by Niroka
Hello guys. I thank Jacqueline for letting me joining as the translator in WinxClubCenter aka Jacqueline Famend team. But I am currently busy as well as the owner Jacqueline. Since we both are busy, I'd like to take a break. Don't worry, I've already inform Jacqueline about my break. Thank you guys for your support! =)
Firstly, I wanted to thanks Chii, for entrusting me, and lending me the xBow lv 40 +9!Here is the picture with descriptions too...

Arigatou, Chii-chan xD
Hello! From today, I'll be playing Fiesta, the Rozen Maiden fansubbing project might be a bit late, but we still can finish Episode 1 maybe by this Thursday. Friday I'll be super busy with School Open House performance...
I'm now subbing Rozen Maiden, thanks to Niroka's translation :)
About the typesetting, I know its ultra ugly, but I had no choice, because I'm a pure beginner on typesetting xD
Here is some preview:
Finally the hard work maintenance over a few days is done!After all the hardwork, the WinxClubCenter team had found a translator, and for our next incoming Rozen Maiden project! Welcome our new team member, Niroka!
Hello guys! Super ultra great news! I'had finally found the font I wanted! Its called Hobbo, but I wonder why in the font list, it appeared as Bobo... Never mind, at least I got the font :DThis is the font preview which I always wanted:
If you need any fonts, go here: http://new.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/, upload the picture of the font (Above) and then type the letter which ever it is highlighted. At first, I thought its not possible, but after I tried, IT ACTUALLY WORKED!